(LDS Men's Choir)
Whenever I am out somewhere in Hollister (or Gilroy for that matter) with Amy Oelrich there are people, young and old alike, that know and love and want to talk to Amy. Amy is also musical and very talented in the performing arts. She grew up performing in the Morgan Hill Community Christmas Concert and since moving to Hollister it has been a dream of hers to start a South Valley version of this same concert. After a brief move away from the area she began to pursue this dream. When she got called as the Ward Activity Chairman she saw this as the perfect opportunity to move forward. Times were busy though, many of the activities she planned got preempted for pressing issues like emergency preparedness and the fight for Prop. 8. Her release from the calling came before the concert came to fruition. This didn't end her desire to have a Community Christmas Concert in Hollister though. In October of 2009 she got serious about making it a reality. I happened to be in the meeting where Amy proposed this to the Ward counsel. I saw the nods of agreement. I felt the feeling (that I recognize as inspiration) as the newly called activity chairman, that this was something that would benefit the people as well as the gospel. Zac Isom (also musical) told her he'd help. And Bishop Starkweather was 100% behind it. He told Amy, "Make it happen!" Because of the closeness of the Christmas season at that point, it wasn't possible to accomplish such an undertaking for that year. But Amy spent a large part of 2010 getting churches, groups and community members to see her vision of what this event could be. Once Public Relations got wind of the idea, the ball was rolling and Amy was introduced, much to her surprise, at meetings as the chairman of the concert.

(LDS Stake Choir)
Amy testifies that she knows the Lord's hand was in it from the start. She says there were multiple moments of being asked questions and having the words put in her mouth, to word answers the right way so that people would be more receptive.
(Grace Bible Church)
One such instance happened while Amy was in the middle of Safeway. She finally got a call back from the choir director at one of the local churchs. Amy was surprised to hear from her because she had previously made many phone calls to various members of their ministry without a call back. Amy remembers clearly the feeling she had that the choir director was on her guard and almost defensive at the start of the phone call. She told Amy that their choir was leaning toward performing with us at the concert but had some massive concerns, and that there were some questions that she needed Amy to answer honestly. This woman told Amy that they had made it a point to NOT do anything with the LDS church. Or anything even associated with the LDS church. She was very blunt with Amy and told her this had been their rule for years. She said the fact that her choir members wanted to participate was very surprising to her, given the rule. She reassured Amy that if she (Amy) was LDS she didn't want to offend her. Amy told her she was LDS, but that she was not offended, and that of course everyone had a right to their opinions. Amy was bold though and questioned the choir director as to why they went out of their way to avoid the LDS church. The answer was hard to hear. The woman told Amy that they did not recognize our church as a religion, but that they viewed us as a cult. And they felt that if they did anything with us or associated with us in any way, that is would mean that they would be recognizing us as a religion, which they strongly felt we were not. As awkward as this surely was for Amy she had the presence of mind to bear her testimony. She said, "I'm so sorry you feel this way. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, that we are not a cult, and that I do believe in Christ. I believe in his birth, and in his life, and in what he gave us and that the whole purpose of this event is to share that, and to remind people of the true meaning of Christmas. And if we did not believe that, we would not be participating in this concert. I hope that you will participate, because I know you believe that as well."

(First Presbyterian Church)
Another question that was posed to Amy was by this choir director was, "What is your motive here? Why are you putting on this concert?" Amy's answer was stellar, she said, "I absolutely do have motive. One-hundered percent, there is an underlying motive, and that is to gather our community of strong Christian people together. And to remind this community what Christmas is all about. And if one person can feel the spirit of Christ through this opportunity, then we have accomplished what Christ would want us to do."
(Mayor Victor Gomez)
One further concern was that even though it was obvious that the music was going to be religious she didn't want there to be any preaching involved. Amy said the only preaching would be through singing and about Jesus, there was no spoken word and that of course there would be religious undertones because we are celebrating the birth of Christ. Also that we would be opening and closing with a prayer." As soon as these concerns were answered lovingly and with the Spirit of the Lord. The woman's demeanor and tone completely changed and she simply stated "Ok, we're in then." Amy was astonished, she was sure the lady was just calling to argue with her. Every other answer she had gotten from this church was "No." or no answer at all.
Other Highlights:
The Pastor who ended up saying one of the prayers was so moved that he felt the need to comment before that prayer. He had grown up in Hollister and to be asked to participate in something so special really meant a lot to him.
The mayor, an amazing man of faith was there in full support and offered a few special words.
(South Valley Suzuki String Academy)
Shelly Maupin who is a member of our ward and an employee of San Benito High School was there to oversee things. She was helping the committee clean up afterwards and when Amy told her she didn't have to that this wasn't part of her job, Shelly's response was, "Are you kidding me? I'm flying so high right now. This was the first time I've ever felt the spirit at the high school. And that is amazing!"
If the spirit was felt, mission accomplished. And whether people realize or not why they left with this great feeling, the mission of the concert was complete. Amy said she had several people coming up to her and saying, "I had no idea this was going to be this beautiful. I feel like I should have dressed up a little bit more. I feel underdressed." Amy knew, even if they didn't, that is the spirit prompting them to be better.
(Oriana Chorale)
Amy knew that the direction this concert took was absolutely the direction it should have taken. There were those that had a different idea about how it should go, but Amy, under the direction of the Stake President and her own feelings, stuck to her guns and and amazing production was shared.
(Ballet Folklorico Mariposa)
With Amy's extensive experience in theater and performing, she is quick to admit that it was far from being perfect from a production standpoint. She was dying that risers were taking so long to put up and down and it was completely unorthodox that there was no group rehearsal. But it came together in a spirit of community and the spirit of Christ, and therefore it was successful.
(USA Sports Glee Club)
I asked Amy how she was able to keep the right focus with so many ideas and religions? So many people that don't believe the way we believe and she told me it's because they believe in the season. They believe in Christmas. That's what made it so beautiful and so spiritual is that everyone was coming together to kick of the holiday season, to celebrate the reason for Christmas and to join in on their mutual beliefs. Because, whether they believe in the story of Jesus being born or that aspect or not, they believe in the season. They believe in the giving, they believe in the spirit, without necessarily having the knowledge of what brings that spirit."
(Heidi Henderson)
Hal Lawrence said it well, "This event became VERY community. A mixture of culture and faith."
(Other Help -- Both Hollister Wards provided all the refreshment for the event)